

  • 教育背景

    2022 中国人民大学 管理学 博士(硕博连读:市场营销管理)

    2019 中国人民大学 管理学 硕士(硕博连读:市场营销管理)

    2016 中山大学 管理学 学士(会展经济与管理)

    2021-2022 荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学 联合培养

  • 研究方向


  • 代表性研究成果

    [1]En-Chung Chang,Chunya Xie*(共一), and Xiaomeng Fan. Defending the rules: How exposure to immoral behavior influences the boundary preference.Journal of Business Research, 2022, 139, 654-663.

    [2]Chen Yang, Mengying Zhao,Chunya Xie(共一), and Jingyi Li. The influence of infant schema cues on donation intention in charity promotion.Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 13, 869458.

    [3]谢纯雅, 张恩忠, 孙文文. 随机立减策略对购买意愿的影响:锚定效应与价格公平感知的作用.外国经济与管理, 2022, 44(10), 70-86.

  • 工作论文

    [1]Using the better-than-humans response to mitigate discriminating AI activities. (with Andrea Weihrauch)

    [2]How socioeconomic status influences willingness to adopt AI experts. (with En-Chung Chang and Tianhui Fu)

    [3]The impact of mating goal attainability on intertemporal choice. (with Chen Yang)

    [4]The impact of AI's service failure on consumers' switch intention. (with En-Chung Chang and Tianhui Fu)

    [5]Consumer responses to textual vs. visual compensation after AI's service failure.

  • 国际会议和学术报告

    [1]Chunya Xie and En-Chung Chang. The impact of financial perception on agent preference of intelligent assistant. Association for Consumer Research Conference(ACR), October 2020, Virtual, USA. 

    [2]Chunya Xie and En-Chung Chang. Witnessing moral violations increases boundary preference. Association for Consumer Research Conference(ACR), October 2019, Atlanta, USA. 

    [3]Chunya Xie and En-Chung Chang. The impact of moral violations on boundary preference. American Marketing Association Conference(AMA), August 2019, Chicago, USA.

    [4]Chunya Xie, En-Chung Chang, and Beixi Wen. The impact of moral violations and advertising appeals on brand attitude. Association for Consumer Research Conference(ACR), October 2018, Dallas, USA. 

    [5]Andrea Weihrauch and Chunya Xie. "Our AI might have failed, but did better than humans": Using the better-than-humans response after morally transgressive AI actions. European Marketing Association Conference(EMAC), May 2022, Budapest, Hungary. 

    [6]Beixi Wen, En-Chung Chang, and Chunya Xie. Will winning always encourage risk taking? The effect of competition results and the closeness of these results. Association for Consumer Research Conference(ACR), October 2018, Dallas, USA.

