

  • 教育背景

    2013.08-2018.08: Purdue University 博士 组织行为学与人力资源

    2011.09-2013.06: 中国人民大学 硕士 公共管理

    2007.09-2011.06: 中国人民大学 本科 行政管理

  • 研究方向


  • 个人简历

  • 讲授课程



    组织行为学研究前沿 (博士生)

    战略管理 (留学生本科)

  • 研究成果

    1.Liao, Z.,Wu, L.*, Zhang, J, Song, Z, & Wang, Y. (2023). Exchange through emoting: An emotional model of leader-member resource exchanges.Personnel Psychology,76, 311-346.(*correspondence)[Download]

    2.Pratt, B., Dineen, B.R., &Wu, L*.(2022). Nowhere to grow: Ranking success and turnover composition in elite employers.Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(4), 584-603.(*correspondence)[Download]

    3.Bartels, A., Nahrgang, J., Wilson, K.S., Session, H,Wu, L.,& Law-Penrose, J. (2022). With a frown or a smile: How leader affective states spark the leader-follower reciprocal exchange process.Personnel Psychology, 75, 147-177.[Download]

    4.Wu, L. & Dineen, B.R.(2022). Expanding branding: Effects of multiple brand types on organizational attractiveness.Chinese Management Studies. DOI: 10.1108/CMS-07-2022-0246

    5.Hussain, M. A., Chen, L., &Wu, L.(2021). Your care mitigates my depletion: Why and when perfectionists show incivility toward coworkers.Frontiers in Psychology. 5020.[全文Fulltext]

    6.Yang, F., Huang, X., &Wu, L*. (2019). Experiencing meaningfulness climate in teams: How spiritual leadership enhances team effectiveness when facing uncertain tasks.Human Resource Management, 58(2), 155-168.(*correspondence)[Download]

    7.Liao, Z*.,Wu., L.*,Song, Z, Wang, Y., & Zhang, J (2019). Leader-member social exchange process: How episodic affect influences reactions of both leader and member in an exchange episode.Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. [OB division](* equal contribution)

    8.Dineen, B.R., Vandewalle, D., Noe, R. A.,Wu, L., & Lockhart, D. (2018). Who cares about demands-abilities fit? Moderating effects of goal orientation on recruitment and organizational entry outcomes.Personnel Psychology, 71(4), 1-24.[Download]

    9.Kossek, E. E., Su, R., &Wu, L(2017). “Opting-Out” Or “Pushed-Out”? Integrating perspectives on women’s career equality for gender inclusion and interventions.Journal of Management, 43(1), 228-254.[Download]

    10.Liao, Z.,Wu., L., Song, Z., Li, X., & Liu, Y. (2015). Leader-member social exchange process: The mediating roles of gratitude and momentary trust in leader.Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. **Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, OB Division, 2015**

    11.陈璐, 陈宁, 吴璐斯*, 汤开轩 (2022). 创新-收缩双驱动变革对知识型员工变革重塑的影响机制研究. 管理工程学报,36(4), 65-75.(* correspondence)

    12.刘颖,吴璐斯 (2016). 传记式数据在领导人才评价中的应用. 中国行政管理, 6, 76-80.

  • 社会兼职及荣誉

    - Fellow, the Royal Society of Arts

    - Associate Editor, Chinese Management Studies

    - Communication Editor, Journal of International Management

    - Review Board Member, Journal of Organizational Behavior

    - Expert, the Emerging Markets Society

    - Ad-Hoc Reviewer: Personnel Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Management



