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    Selected English Articles:

    Chen, Y., Kim, Y., Liu, Z.* & Wang, G*. Predictors of employees’ strike attitudes in multinational corporations in China: A multilevel relational model.International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2021.1958247(SSCI, B刊)

    Gou, L., Ma, S., Wang, G., Wen, X., & Zhang, Y. Relationship between workplace ostracism and turnover intention among nurses the sequential mediating effects of emotional labor and nurse patient relationship.Psychology, Health & Medicine, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2021.1905859 (SSCI)

    Gou, L., Wang, G., Feng, L., & Zhang, Y. A multilevel analysis of the impact of group organisational citizenship behaviour on nurse-patient relationship: The mediating effect of work engagement and the moderating effect of emtional intelligence.Journal of Nursing Management, 2021, 29: 342-350. (SSCI)

    Koopmann, J., Johnson, R., Wang, M., Lanaj, K., Wang, G. & Shi, J.A self-regulation perspective on how and when regulatory focus differentially relates to citenship behaviors.Journal of Applied Psychology, 2019, 104(5): 629-641. (SSCI, A刊).

    Wang, G., Liu, X., & Liu, Y. Role overload, knowledge acquisition and job satisfaction: An ambidexterity perspective on boundary-spanning activities of IT employees.International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2019, 30(4): 728-757. (SSCI, B刊).

    Li, D., Wang, L., Li, X., Wang, G.*, & Newton, C. Work-family conflict influences the relationship between family embeddedness and turnover intention.Social Behavior and Personality,2019, 47(4), e7640. (SSCI)

    Chen, Y., Kim, Y., Liu, Z. & Wang, G. Predictors of employees' attitudes toward strike in multinational corporations in China: A multilevel relational model.Paper session presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM).Chicago, Illinois, USA. 2018, Aug. 10-14.

    Chen, Y., Kim, Y., Liu, Z., Wang, G., & Zhao, G. Can HPWS and union work together to reduce employee turnover intention in foreign MNCs in China?Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, 2017: Shifts in Workplace Voice, Justice, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Comtemporary Workplaces. 2018, 22: 213-242.

    Koopmann, J., Johnson, R., Wang, M., Lanaj, K., Wang, G. & Shi, J. An emotional resource-based perspective on how and when regulatory focus differentially relates to citizenship behaviors. Paper session presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM).Atlanta, GA, USA. 2017, Aug.4-8.

    Jia, J., Wang, G., Zhao, X., Yu, X. Exploaring the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and corporate performance.Nankai Business Review International, 2014, 5(3): 326-344.

    Shou, Y., Feng, Y., Zheng, J., Wang, G., & Yeboah, N. E. Power source and its effect on customer-supplier relationships: An empirical study in Yangtze River Delta.International Journal of Production Economics, 2013, 146(1): 118-128. (SCIE, B刊)

    Feng, T. & Wang, G. How private enterprises establish organizational legitimacy in China's transitional economy.Journal of Management Development, 2010,29(4): 377-393.

    Wang, G., Kim, T., Friedman, R. & Jing, R. The role of political ties on conflict resolution choices of Chinese private entrepreneurs. Chicago: 2009 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2009, August 7-11.

    Wang, G., Jing, R. & Klossek, A. Antecedents and management of conflict: Resolution styles of Chinese top managers in multiple rounds of cognitive and affective conflict.International Journal of Conflict Management, 2007, 18(1): 74-97.(SSCI, 2008 Highly Commended Award, Emerald Publishing)


    王国锋, 李幸, 贾建锋. 家庭-工作冲突对教师情绪耗竭的影响:一个被调节的中介模型. 人力资源管理评论, 2018, 1, 11-20.

    王国锋, 吕建敏, 李秀凤, 闫学彬. 支持就会得到相应的认同和承诺吗?——基于双案例比较研究. 中国人力资源开发, 2016, 10: 57-64.

    王国锋. 《跨国并购后,如何同心合一》点评. 清华管理评论, 2015, 11: 107-109.

    王泽宇, 王蕊, 王国锋. 科研团队领导者的社会网络交互及其对团队绩效的影响. 南开管理评论. 2014, 14(1):145-150.

    王国锋, 黄宛凌, 钟燕宜. 以台湾服务业为视角的自我牺牲型领导与下属亲社会行为研究. 管理学报, 2013, 10(9): 1309-1315.

    王泽宇, 王国锋*, 井润田. 基于外派学者的文化智力、文化新颖性与跨文化适应研究. 管理学报, 2013, 10(3): 384-389.

    贾建锋, 赵希男, 于秀凤, 王国锋. 创业导向有助于提升企业绩效吗?——基于高管胜任特征的中介效应. 南开管理评论, 2013, 16(2): 47-56. (获辽宁省自然科学学术成果三等奖)

    贾建锋, 王国锋, 蒋建武, 孙世敏. 创业导向、高管团队胜任特征与企业绩效. 预测, 2012, 31(6): 1-6.

    秦令华, 井润田, 王国锋. 私营企业主可观察经历、战略导向及其匹配对绩效的影响研究. 南开管理评论, 2012, 15(4): 36-47.

    陈璐, 杨百寅, 井润田, 王国锋. 家长式领导、冲突与高管团队战略决策效果的关系研究. 南开管理评论, 2010, 13(5): 4-11.

    冯天丽, 井润田, 王国锋. 私营企业政治资本与国有银行借贷的实证研究. 预测, 2010, 29(3): 31-37.

    李懋, 王国锋, 井润田. 高管团队内部动态特征实证研究. 管理学报, 2009, 6 (7): 939-943.

    王国锋, 井润田. 授权的影响因素:基于私营企业主的分析. 预测, 2007, 26(5): 24-30. (该文被中国人民大学书报资料中心《民营经济与中小企业管理》2007, (12): 64-70转载)

    王国锋, 李懋, 井润田. 高管团队冲突、凝聚力与决策质量的实证研究. 南开管理评论, 2007, 5: 89-93. (该文被中国人民大学书报资料中心《企业管理研究》2008, (2): 57-62转载)

    王国锋, 井润田. 盛大:战略转型,风投转身. 北大商业评论, 2007, 33(4): 64-66.

    王国锋, 井润田, 冯天丽. 北京吉普的颠簸路. 北大商业评论, 2006, 18(1): 96-101.









    [1]2010年至今,Asia Pacific Journal of Management, International Journal of Psychology, International Journal of Conflict Management, 管理学报, 南开管理评论, 管理评论, 心理学报, 研究与发展管理,管理学季刊等审稿人


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    曾获四川省优秀毕业研究生;Emerald Highly Commended Award、辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖(学术论文类)三等奖等。



