作者:供应链研究所 来源:供应链研究所 日期:2021-10-13 浏览:


讲座题目:Analysis of production outsourcing strategy and incentive

主讲人:罗政 博士

主持人:胡本勇 教授

时间:20211028日(周四)   下午15:00



Production outsourcing has gradually become an important strategy in outsourcing. This study investigates a production outsourcing problem in which an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) can either outsource to a competitive manufacturer (CM) engaging in horizontal production outsourcing, or otherwise outsource to a non-competitive manufacturer (NM) engaging in vertical production outsourcing. We develop a benchmark self-produce strategic model and two outsourcing strategic models, the effects of which are then analyzed respectively. The optimal selection of an outsourcing strategy is examined alongside an analysis of the respective incentives from the CM and the NM. Importantly, we find that vertical outsourcing to the NM can lower the marginal cost. Even if horizontal outsourcing to the CM may not have the same effect, we find that a change in the relationship between the OEM and the CM, from one based upon competition to one based upon coopetition, can still bring greater profits to the OEM. As both outsourcing strategies enhance the price competition, this leads to a reduction in the retail price and better social welfare overall. To achieve a multi-win outcome, the optimal outsourcing strategy selection is determined not only by the difference in production efficiency and the degree of product substitution, but also by the joint effect of the incentives from the CM and the NM. These incentives contribute to a greater range of Pareto improvement, which improve the possibility of outsourcing cooperation, while also highlighting the role of competition intensity on the model and partner of outsourcing cooperation.


罗政,电子科技大学经管学院讲师,毕业于电子科技大学。主要从事供应链管理、企业竞合运营管理等研究。在国际权威学术期刊European Journal of Operational ResearchOmegaJournal of the Operational Research SocietyIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management等发表论文9篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,参与国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目和重大研究计划培育项目、国家社会科学基金重大项目等项目多项。






